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...a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.

Welcome, I am Hyero /ˈhirō/ - the y is silent. 
Art has always been the foundation of my life. With extensive workforce experience by the age of twenty-two, I recognized traditional secular occupations did not fulfill my life's purpose. Moreover, noticing my unhappiness and how I had to change for myself, I moved to a new city, Chicago. Surrounded by unfamiliarity, I went on a creativity and self-love journey that enhanced my desire to create. Prior to leaving the predominantly white neighborhood that bore me, the word "too" had stifled my abilities to the highest degree. People categorized me and my art as "too sexual," "too political," and even "too black." Yet, I now know that if it feels overwhelming to look at my expression, the observer should look within themselves to understand why my piece elicits discomfort. I want audiences to look at my art and feel anything - happiness, fear, anger, representation, or even understanding.
It was not initially easy to protect myself from the views of others growing up due to critical opinions from external sources. Despite knowing my own worth and potential, I allowed others to diminish my self-esteem with comments about my weight, hair, and eczema. After spending my adolescence overcoming harassment and dismissive comments about my identity, I still use art to heal and accept myself now. I learned through my own art that just because I am alone does not mean I am lonely. Furthermore, it encouraged me to travel. I spent an entire year in Jamaica alone, hiked across Hawaii with a broken leg, and packed my bags to start yet another life. Stay tuned because the journey has just begun.


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